Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing:

Before you rush out to find that perfect job or internship, you'll
need to write your resume. And not just any resume, but the kind
that'll separate you from all the people applying to your college of
choice or eager to land that dream job. Here are some ways to avoid
the pitfalls of resume-writing and land yourself in the spot light...
You can organize your resume in many different ways, but the following
order is one of the most common. Use it to help you get started.
Objective - state what kind of job or internship you're looking for
Experience - describe your job history
Education - just list your high school unless you've taken college
courses on the side
Other Skills/Information - this is where you list your computer or
language skills and any associations or memberships to which you've
Action Words
Program necessary to adequately address the major needs and problems
of capable students who have experienced limited access to education.
Writing Style

The wording of your resume is just as important as the look. You may
have to write several rough drafts to come up with one that will
really shine. Here are a few writing style rules to keep in mind:
Use matching verb tenses.
Keep all descriptions short. Descriptions should generally take up no
more than three to four lines on the page.
Full sentences are not necessary, but be consistent with punctuation.
Resume Resources
Several job search engines have resume-building pages on their
websites that will give you step-by-step guidelines to writing a
resume. Some popular sites to check out include:
Monster Jobs,
Yahoo! HotJobs,
MSN Careers,
Career Builder
Resume Writer
Job site...
While these devices are free, they also offer resume-writing services
you can order for a fee. It's always best to learn on your own,
however, because knowing how to write a resume properly is a valuable
tool you'll have for a lifetime