Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Common Mistakes in interview

Biggest Mistake - Trying To Get The Best Impression - Candidates

All wants the job. That many jobs are there? So how everybody will get
a job. what is the main factor in getting the job. How can we say that
one factor is the major factor in getting a job? Yes, we can't say
that one factor is the major and other are secondary. it depends on
those circumstances but we can come to a conclusion that foremost
factor will be communication. So what is mean by communication. lots
of places you can hear presentation plays vita role. Then what is the
difference between the communication and presentation?
In my words communication will be two types , one is how we can handle
lead the knows and other is how we can handle the unknowns. In the job
search generally candidates will be meeting unknowns. so you have to
use the second type. so hear comes the presentation. Presentation is a
part in communication which makes you to know to the unknowns in
effective manner. Presentation is very important in attaining the job.
There are again two types of presentations. one is natural
presentation and second one is artificial presentation. More
candidates follows artificial presentation. That means, they will try
to speak the language stylish with artificial accent. Which suppress
the natural abilities while they are attending in interviews. So
always natural presentation is very important. And One more important
factor is about Impression. Lots of candidates know that , First
impression should be the best impression. so its obvious that
everybody will try to get the best impression in the first meeting.
Even this trying should be avoided, because once candidate is trying
to get the best impression again because of the circumstances
candidates will follow the artificial presentation which suppress
natural abilities. I will tell an example , plenty of candidates while
they attend for an interview , if they don't know the answer for the
question asked by interviewer , they tries to impress the interviewer
that as though they knows the answer but they could not able to tell
at the By looking into vacuum ,By looking into the corners of the
Room , are closing the eyes and changing the expressions ,scratching
their head, rubbing their forehead with palm, etc ....Which are
useless and makes the interviewer to get false impression rather than
positive. So trying to get Impression is not useful. Be natural,
follow the social ethics, then surely you can get the job with your
excellent Presentation.